Every day you walk around your house turning on and off
light switches. The bedroom light helps you pick out your clothes for the day,
the bathroom light helps ensure your toothpaste ends up on your teeth rather
then in your hair, the refrigerator light helps you have the ability to see
that fresh piece of watermelon or the left over cheesecake- which in turn
leaves you with a terribly difficult decision- but that is a personal matter,
in which a simple light bulb cannot help you with.J
Lights bulbs, electricity, incredible technology – they are
constantly around us. Yet, for most of us, it is likely that electricity and the
ability to light an area is easily taken for granted. I am no different, I
often times forget how terrifying it truly would be if I did not have my light
switch to put myself at ease from the burglars that I truly believe are waiting
for the perfect time to steal my precious jewels.
So, here is a little Oprah moment- love your light, be one
with the light and for goodness sake say a little mental thank you to Thomas
Edison for bringing this treasure into the world.
PHEW! Now that we’ve thanked Edison and added light bulbs to
the grocery list, we can focus on the power sourceI am really driving at: the
mental light bulb. We’ve all heard it, and hopefully most of us have experienced
it. That ‘ah-ha’ moment, big or small you shouldn’t take it for granted.
Through my week- I felt as though the electricity running
through my body was at full speed- blowing fuses, starting fires and frankly
just trying to prevent a total burn out. My wires were crossed, I wasn’t sure
if I’d ever see clearly again- and frankly, I was having a mental breakdown.
I normally do not like to ‘dump’ my emotions out to the
entire world. However, my lights are firing back and I feel as though I should
give credit- where credit is due.
So- thank you PG and E for fixing my electricity- that box
in the basement just needed a simple readjustment. A simple $50 house call and
BAM I am all cured. HA! As you know, life is not that easy.
I did a lot of digging, a lot of thinking, a little crying,
a little yelling and a lot of truth telling- and my light is just flickering.
You see, I have hope- and hope is incredibly larger then any bad storm.
I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Google +
Photographer’s conference, here in San Francisco this week. As some of you may
know, this was my first conference- one of the first events as to where I was
publicly marking myself as a photographer. Even if I was just one surrounded by
hundreds, it felt kind of like a big milestone. J
Through this two day event I filled up a small journal with
tips and trick of Google +, met a variety of photographers throughout the
country, learned a thing or two about lighting, received my first portfolio
review, gained knowledge on incredible charities, received inspiration
regarding self-taught photography, became relieved when acknowledging my
counseling skills will a great advantage when photographing individuals and on and
on… I was constantly surrounded by new
knowledge. I felt almost as if, I was SpongeBob- walking around as a sponge,
trying to get the most out of every second and every individual I spoke with. The information overload was incredible!
However, crazy enough- the thing I believe in which I
received the most benefit out of- was the information in which I already knew.
I attempted to capture my ‘ah-ha’/ hello Renee moment in a
previous Facebook post:
(posted on my supper break at the conference- May 23, 2012….
chomping down Thai food as I continued to remember that Peter Hurley is just as
regular person who happens to take incredible images and just may just be close
enough to see the tears strolling down my face..YIKES!)
The best thing I have gathered from this
conference has less to do with photography then it does with life in
Don't change your life (or style) based off of one persons critique.
Keep doing something- that special something that brings you joy. Don't do it to seek approval or to build an audience- do it simply because it makes you happy.
Be proud that you were brave enough to put yourself out there. You're work matters- simply because you're a person- and you matter.
Don't change your life (or style) based off of one persons critique.
Keep doing something- that special something that brings you joy. Don't do it to seek approval or to build an audience- do it simply because it makes you happy.
Be proud that you were brave enough to put yourself out there. You're work matters- simply because you're a person- and you matter.
It was almost as though, in that moment- through the bonding
of orange cashew chicken and my iphone -that my wiring reset. Light bulbs went
off and there it was again—hope.
I was attempting to digest so much more then the grease that
I was injecting into my body. My entire Facebook post was derived from the
class session: ‘Growing your audience’. Never in my dreams did I believe I
would leave that hour with an incredibly increased amount of hope, inspiration,
dedication, encouragement and much needed mental check.
Through this short 60 minute session I realized that we are
all just human- just trying to make it in this world. It does not matter if you
are into photography, singing, budgeting, bar tending, counseling, delivery or
computing- you simply cannot change who you are just because one person does
not agree with you. You do not need a reason to do the things you love- the
mere acknowledgement that you love it gives you all the permission you will
ever need. Stand strong- be proud that you took a risk that you were brave
enough to be told no and smile because you have dreams big enough to reach for.
Everything that you put effort into matters, even if no one will remember your
name, and even if your name will never be written in a history book- you are
human and therefore you matter.
You see- the deeper meaning of each single element is not
new knowledge. However, like most of my college course material it simply was
not retained. The single moments and inspirations that continue to help me
grow- are easily forgotten.
Wednesday- is a day I will not soon forget. It will go down
as one of the hardest days of the 26 years I have lived. The day I acknowledged
my crossed wiring, lack of light and numbness throughout my body. Oddly enough,
it also brought me courage, acknowledgment, anger, honesty, resentment, love,
joy, and dedication. It gave me the hope that things will be alright- and that
hope gave me the courage to ignite the light within myself.
I had an incredible ride this week- and for whatever this
may provide to you, please remember that we are all human. We are not defined
by our occupation, a single bad decision, our family history, what we take for
granted, or what clothes we wear. We are simply human- and once and awhile- we
forget to pay our electricity bill.
Keep your eyes open, your back straight and your chin up-
you never know where your greatest inspiration may come from.
Until next time- Cheers! J
p.s. here are a few of the images I shot on the first day
the G+ conference. Please feel free to comment below or e-mail me personally: sunnysideupphoto@gmail.com
(oh yeah- I have fallen a bit off the map on the photo
challenge- lets call this day: 22-24 and I’ll continue to make efforts to get
back on track!) J
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