Saturday, June 9, 2012

weekend challenge: just for fun! :)

It's just about at the 1:00pm mark on a Saturday- and I am proud to say that I have been quite productive. No t.v. time, a nice book, a few online photography blogs and some quality time with my best 4 legged friend. Ahh- yes, this is the life! :)

This morning while scrambling through the beautiful world wide web, I came across this simple article:

I thought- hey, I can give that a try. The over all message was simple- turn something ordinary, that you see everyday and make it extraordinary. I mean, thats the true power of a photograph. So- I immediately picked up my camera and here we have it...

Take a look at these photos I shot in one room of my house... can you tell which room I was in? :)

Have a wonderful Saturday! Until next time...


p.s. this is day 39
**all images are personal. please feel free to contact Renee at **

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