Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 20 &21: revisiting

Yikes- there I go again- missing a day. Yesterday completely slipped by me- although, I did a lot of soul searching early in the day and have arrived at a few answers. But, I can't just spill all the beans quite yet. :)

Apart of my goals through this 90 challenge- as you may have previously read, is not only to become more confident behind the lens- it is also about challenging myself in a variety of additional areas. So, today I took a look at my very first photo shoot.. revisited a few of those images and re-imagined them.

The goal was to continue to familiarize myself with Lightroom and truly explore additional options that post processing can provide. Luckily through this proces, not only do I expand my knowledge of Lightroom, I also look closely at a variety of compositions, backgrounds, poses, etc. And it was fun looking back on photos of my beautiful friends.

Well- I promise to be better tomorrow! Have a wonderful Tuesday! :)

Cheers- Renee.

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