Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 22: Frosting!

whoo-hoo...I made it today! :) Back into the swing of things!

Today I decided to take my cake class and turn it into a mini story line. Focusing on my first experience making home made icing. Seems simple- right? Well, I am hardly a baker- and truly struggle with making things editable. Not too long ago I attempted to make a boxed cake- and failed. Missed the step to put water- or something ... it was as flat as a pancake.

So, today's journey was some what of a personal triumph! I successfully made a mess out of my kitchen and my clothing- however, came out with a 9 inch white cake with a cupcake on top. Now, do not tell Carlos from Cake Boss- but I may be running him out of business soon. ;)

Well- I hope you enjoy my simple story..Cheers!


**please remember all images are personal-  check out 
for additional images**

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